ESS Topline Series
The following compilations of findings have been published and are available for download. These are authored by external academics using ESS data.

Exploring public attitudes, informing public policy (1): Selected findings from the first three rounds.
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Exploring public attitudes, informing public policy (2): Selected findings from the first five rounds.
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Exploring public attitudes, informing public policy (3): Selected findings from the first seven rounds.
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Exploring public attitudes, informing public policy (4): Selected findings from the first nine rounds.
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The Human Values Scale: Findings from the European Social Survey
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Topline Findings
In 2011, we launched a new series of ESS Topline Results, which are concise cross-national summaries of particular topics covered in the questionnaire. Topline publications are written by the groups of academics whose rotating module was selected for the ESS.
1. Trust in Justice: Topline Results from Round 5 of the European Social Survey.
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2. Welfare attitudes in Europe: Topline Results from Round 4 of the European Social Survey.
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3. Economic Crisis, Quality of Work and Social Integration: Topline Results from rounds 2 and 5 of the European Social Survey.
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4. Europeans’ Understandings and Evaluations of Democracy: Topline Results from Round 6 of the European Social Survey.
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5. Europeans’ Personal and Social Wellbeing: Topline Results from Round 6 of the European Social Survey.
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6. Social Inequalities in Health and their Determinants: Topline Results from Round 7 of the European Social Survey.
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7. Attitudes towards Immigration and their Antecedents: Topline Results from Round 7 of the European Social Survey.
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8. The Past, Present and Future of European Welfare Attitudes: Topline Results from Round 8 of the European Social Survey.
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9. European Attitudes to Climate Change and Energy: Topline Results from Round 8 of the European Social Survey.
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10. Justice and Fairness in Europe: Topline results from Round 9 of the European Social Survey
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11. The Timing of Life: Topline results from Round 9 of the European Social Survey.
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12. Digital Social Contacts in Work and Family Life: Topline results from Round 10 of the European Social Survey.
Digital Social Contacts in Work and Family Life
13. Understandings and Evaluations of Democracy: Topline results from rounds 6 and 10 of the European Social Survey.
Understandings and Evaluations of Democracy
Public attitudes to welfare, climate change and energy in the EU and Russia (PAWCER)
Two publications have additionally been produced through the Public attitudes to welfare, climate change and energy in the EU and Russia (PAWCER) project. Funded by, RUS Plus, the project aimed to conduct comparative research on public attitudes to welfare, climate change and energy. PAWCER supplied the funding that allowed Russia to participate in ESS Round 8. The project has been conducted by an international research consortium led by GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (Germany).

Russian versus European welfare attitudes: Evidence from Round 8 of the European Social Survey.
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Public Perceptions on Climate Change and Energy in Europe and Russia: Evidence from Round 8 of the European Social Survey
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Country-specific ESS Topline Findings
Country-specific booklets from the ESS Topline Findings series are also available. Currently there are two issues available in the series, Policing by Consent in the UK (using Round 5 data) and Experiences and Expressions of Ageism in the UK (using Round 4 data).