ESS Labs is an innovative hub of experimental science projects and cutting-edge tools prototypes, driven by a global community of passionate contributors, partners and developers.
Climate Neutral and Smart Cities
The Science Project (SP) Climate Neutral and Smart Cities is a Horizon 2020 funded Science Project under EOSC Future Task 6.3. The Science Project aims to combine environmental data with data on people's attitudes and behaviors for social, political, and scientific analysis. Scientists from the SSHOC and ENVRI clusters are collaborating to produce new outputs, including indicators for environmental indices and computational methods. European Social Survey data are being integrated with environmental variables in a selection of major European city regions.
The project's data and metadata can be easily explored for scientific analysis through materials and links available through the ESS Labs pages. The application also provides access to other project deliverables, facilitating cross-domain data analysis and provenance tracking. This prototype can serve as an example for other, similar interdisciplinary research projects.
This section lists both data, documentation and research publications about the project from the perspective of researchers engaging with cross-cutting questions involving data from multiple domains.
The prototype application and all related files may be of interest to technical implementers, and can be found here. Please note that the prototype application is not intended for production use - the code is made available as an example only.
The project has produced research in many different areas, including the use of the integrated data as well as explorations of how inter-disciplinary projects can be approached in the EOSC context. Further research documents can be found here:
ESS Labs is an innovative hub of experimental science projects and cutting-edge tools prototypes, driven by a global community of passionate contributors, partners, and developers.
Starting with the EOSC Future Science Project Climate Neutral and Smart Cities the project gives access to data and indicators for areas new in the context of the ESS, as well as to prototype tools for different purposes. Additional projects will be added as they are conducted, so that the ESS community can benefit from the findings of these explorations. Users will be able to access data, metadata, tools and other deliverables from the ESS Labs.
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