Call for Round 13 Rotating Module Design Teams
Multi-national teams of researchers are invited to submit applications for modules of questions to be fielded in each round of the European Social Survey
The European Social Survey (ESS) questionnaire consists of two elements. This includes a core module of substantive and socio-demographic items which remains identical across rounds and, traditionally, two rotating modules of up to 30 items each.
Up until Round 13, rotating modules of approximately 30 questions, which vary from round to round, have been selected. Each rotating module covers a single academic and/or policy concern within Europe and is drafted by a competitively selected team. The chosen Question Module Design Teams (QDTs) work closely with the Core Scientific Team (CST) of the ESS to develop their modules.
For the first time, this Call for Round 13 Rotating Modules is open to teams of researchers to apply for either 15 or 30 item modules. The option to include a 15-item module has been introduced for Round 13 to encourage applications on relevant topics that may not require as many as 30 questions.
Round 13 fieldwork is due to take place from September 2027 and the survey data collected will be made available for analysis in 2028.
The ESS will be hosting a webinar for prospective question module design teams from 2-3pm (GMT) on Thursday 8 February 2024. The virtual question and answer (Q&A) session is open to anyone with an interest in applying to include questions in Round 13 of the survey.
The call for Round 13 rotating modules closed on Friday 26 April 2024.
Successful applications for previous rotating modules are available to view:
The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the ESS ERIC will decide which Stage 1 proposals meet the criteria to be shortlisted. Their decision is final. Shortlisted teams will then be invited to submit a full proposal at Stage 2. The SAB will select rotating modules from the proposals submitted at Stage 2.
- Deadline for Stage 1 applications | 26 April 2024
- Applicants informed of Stage 1 outcome | Early-mid June 2024
- Deadline for Stage 2 applications | 11 October 2024
- Successful module teams notified | November 2024
- QDTs work with ESS CST to develop modules | January 2025 - November 2026
- Round 13 fieldwork | From September 2027
- QDTs check preliminary ESS Round 13 data | 2028 (dates to be confirmed)
- First release of ESS Round 13 data | 2028 (dates to be confirmed)
Call documents

For queries regarding this call please email
or contact the ESS on
T: +44 (0)2070 404901