Findings from the Human Values Scale
Last week, the European Social Survey (ESS) launched a new report that includes analysis of data collected through the Schwartz human values scale.
The Human Values Scale: Findings from the European Social Survey explores research using the 21-item scale - a series of statements developed by Shalom H. Schwartz (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) to better understand the moral values of respondents.
Professor Schwartz was joined by a selection of the report's contributors in a webinar on Monday 8 March to formally launch this new publication.
Mikko Weckroth (University of Helsinki) discussed the geographical perspective of human values in general and reviewed findings on inter-regional value profiles in the European Union, as well as urban-rural value differences.
Daniel Seddig (University of Cologne) delivered a presentation that highlighted the findings of Davidov et al. (2019), showing that universalism values were associated with lower threat by immigration and less opposition to immigration.
Andrew Miles (University of Toronto) presented research undertaken with Catherine Yeh on testing theories that suggest personal values form as individuals are exposed to social institutions, which are themselves informed by cultural values and other macro-level forces.
The report also includes contributions from a wide range of academics.
Pepijn van Houwelingen, Jurjen Iedema and Paul Dekker of The Netherlands Institute for Social Research - SCP analysed several survey items to better understand political values.
Mai Beilmann (University of Tartu) and Laur Lilleoja analysed our Round 6 (2012/13) data measuring levels of social trust and human values to understand the relationship between the two.
Heinz Welsch and Jan Kühling (University of Oldenburg) analysed data collected over the first seven rounds (2002-15) to understand the relationship between subjective wellbeing, the environment and moral values.
Maksim Rudnev (National Research University Higher School of Economics) and Christin-Melanie Vauclair (ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon) assessed Round 7 (2014/15) data to explore the link between human values and alcohol consumption.
Sointu Leikas presented research undertaken with University of Helsinki colleagues, Jan-Erik Lönnqvist and Markku Verkasalo, that explored our Round 1-7 (2014/15) data to establish whether human values are affected by parenthood.
Tim Reeskens (Tilburg University) and Leen Vandecasteele (University of Lausanne) explored the effect that the 2008 economic crisis had on human values.
Schwartz’s Human Values Scale (or Portrait Values Questionnaire) was designed to classify respondents according to their basic value orientations and has been included in every round of the ESS since Round 1 was fielded in 2002/03.
Professor Rory Fitzgerald, Director of ESS said: "The Human Values Scale has been extensively used by scholars both on its own and in combination with a range of sections from the ESS core questionnaire.
“It adds a strong academic theme to the ESS and provides great explanatory power. We are very grateful to Shalom Schwartz for working with the ESS to include this scale back in 2002."
View a recording of the launch event

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